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Legal notice, Data Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy

In accordance to the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), effective Friday, May 25th, 2018, we have updated our Cookie and Data Privacy policies for all subscribers globally.

We do not share your information with any one else, our client details are strictly our business. We collect the email addresses of those who communicate with us via e-mail, aggregate information on what pages consumers access or visit and information volunteered by the consumer, such as survey information and/or site registrations. 

The information we collect is used for internal review and is then discarded and used to improve the content of our web site. If you do not want to receive e-mail from us in the future, please let us know by sending e-mail to us at the above address or calling us on the above telephone number or writing to us at the above address, telling us that you do not want to receive e-mail from our company. 

If you supply us with your postal address on-line you may receive periodic mailings from us with information on our offer. If you do not wish to receive such mailings, please let us know by sending email to us at the above address or calling us on the above telephone number or writing to us at the above address. 

We do not share your information with other organizations. Persons who supply us with their telephone numbers on-line may receive telephone contact from us with information regarding orders they have placed on-line. 

Legal notice

To comply with the provisions of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), here are the general details of this web.

This domain belongs to Gran Central Suites SL. This society is registered at the Registro Mercantil de Madrid, Tomo: 37939, Folio: 32, Hoja núm. M-675548, Inscripción: 1, and CIF number B88132097 with social address at Calle Minas 12, 28004 Madrid. Phone to contact is +34 914939789, fax number is , and email address is [email protected]


These general conditions (hereafter the "Terms") govern the use of all services on this website grancentralsuites.com (henceforth "the portal") to finance the company's Gran Central Suites SL (hereafter "the Company") makes available to Internet users. By using the Portal the user fully and unreserved acceptance thereof, which may be modified by the company at any time. Users are also subject to any particular conditions, notices or instructions that are brought to their attention, in connection with content or specific services, which provide for the provisions of these Terms and Conditions they are not in contradiction with them. 

Exclusion of liability for their Website and its services. 

The company did not garantitza availability and continuous operation of the Portal, its services and its contents, if it is reasonably practicable, the Company will give prior notice of any interruption in the operation thereof. The company is not liable for damages or losses of any nature that may be caused by lack of availability or continuity of the Portal grancentralsuites.com or any of its services, or for errors in access to different web pages or those from Site which provide certain services. 

Disclaimer graphical information available on the portal. 

All graphic documentation included on this website regarding the various promotions estate is merely indicative and subject to possible changes required by the technical development of projects and their implementation. IF THIS INFORMATION IS ANY CONTRACT. 

Consumer law 

The information offered by promotional products marketing is indicative and general in nature, is subject to possible changes. All information relating to the R. D. 515/89 del 21 de Abril, is found in available to buyers with the offices of the company.

Use of the Website and services by users. 

Only if you have obtained prior express authorization specifically granted for the purpose from the company, you shall not obtain or attempt to obtain any type of content, whether text, graphics, pictures, sound files, images or photos, videos, software and generally any kind of material accessible through the portal or by filling services for them, means other than those that have been made available in this effect or those who regularly fill this purpose in Internet. 

Exclusion of liability for the content. 

The company is not responsible under any circumstances, either directly or indirectly, for any content, information, communication, opinion or statement of any kind originating from the user or any person or entity to communicate, disseminate, transmit or display through the Portal services. 

Exclusion of liability for the content and services hosted outside of Portal. 

The portal offers users technical link devices, be they links, directories or search tools, which allow access to web pages or sites that are operated by others. The company has no ownership over them, and not market or offer the content and services that contain, therefore assumes no liability, directly or subsidiary on these web pages or sites. 

Intellectual property. 

All content and names, logos, trademarks and databases accessible on the Portal web pages grancentralsuites.com are subject to rights of intellectual property of the company or third party holders. In any case access to the websites of the Portal does not imply any waiver, transfer or sale of all or part of such rights, or confer any right to use, modify, use, reproduction, distribution or public communication of the contents or industrial property assets without prior express authorization specifically granted for that purpose by the company or third party rights holder, except the right to view and make copies for personal use and exclusive user, who must exercise always consistent with the principles of good faith and applicable law. 

Data Protection. Política de Protección de Datos de Caracter Personal.

Through this legal notice in accordance with the provisions of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Spanish Law 15/1999, of Protection of Personal Data, and the Law 5/2002, de 19 d'abril, de l'Agència Catalana de Protecció de Dades de la Generalitat de Catalunya, the company notifies users of its data protection policy so that they can freely and voluntarily whether they wish provide personal data that may be required during the subscription or registration for any of the services offered. Except in areas where otherwise noted, responses to questions about personal data is voluntary. The personal data collected will be treated as secret and confidential and aims at collecting and providing management services offered by the company on the Portal at any time. You agree that personal data supplied by him can be processed in automated files and corporate responsibility. 

We would again like to stress that, in accordance with European personal data protection laws, strict security procedures are observed with us to prevent personal data misuse and unauthorised access.

The main purpose of this file is to maintain a contractual relationship and be able to contact you. The user can access this file at any time, in order to request and obtain the rectification, cancellation, modification or oppose your personal data, addressing to Gran Central Suites SL, registered at the office of Tourism Generalitat de Cataluña ID number REAT EG-00401, Tax ID number B65289266, at the e-mail address: paub @ barcelona-guide.info or by regular mail to : Rambles 42, oficina 5, 08002 Barcelona (Spain).

Cookies Policy

Our site uses cookies to analyze user navigation . Cookies are files that are installed on the computer from which you access our website with the purposes that descriven on this page. The application we use to analyze obtenery navigation information is:

Google Analytics: Privicy Policy.

This application has been developed by Google providing us the service of analyzing the audience of our website. Google can use this information to improve their own services and to offer services to other businesses. You can know more about these other uses at the link provided.

This tool does not collect names or surnames from users, or mailing address from where they connect. The information obtained is regarding eg the number of visited pages, the language, the city to which is assigned the IP address from which users access to the website, the number of users who visit us, and the frequency and recurrence of visits, time of the visit, the browser used and the operator, or the type of terminal from which the visit is made. This information we used to improve our website, identify new needs and assess improvements to be made in order to do a better service for users who visit us. To permit, meet, block or delete the cookies installed in your computer you can do so by setting your browser options installed on your computer. For example, you can find more information on how to do it if you are using one of the following browsers:

FirefoxGoogle ChromeInternet Explorer 9Safari 7 and Opera. If you want more information on how we use cookies, please email to paub @ barcelona-guide.info or fill out the form to contact us if you have any questions or need additional information.


Applicable Law and Jurisdiction. 

These General Conditions are overturned by the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Spanish law. For any dispute that may arise from the application of the services or the interpretation or application of the General Conditions, the company and the user, expressly waiving their own jurisdiction are subject to the Courts and Tribunals of the city.


Ley de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información (LSSI) 

This law sets forth the legal and policy frame that will guarantee the company and its users the trust and safety which is needed when using electronic means of information. Aspects such as the correct identification of the service provider, the protection against non-solicited mail or any obligation regarding the service provider through electronic means, contribute to a safe way of communicating and using electronic means to obtain the services required, up to the level of obtaining these services in a personal, non-electronic way. 

Identification and access control 

Personal data regarding our customers is confidential. Due to security reasons, it is necessary to keep the confidentiality of this data. The user is responsible for all actions made using his/her username and password. 


All the information which is exchanged between the PC used by the customer of Gran Central Suites SL. and the computer system used in the company is submitted to a process which prevents access to this data by third-party or any sort of interception between the customer and the company.


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